Since 2002, Citadel Value Fund has successfully invested in equities by consistently employing a deep value investment strategy. It is actively managed without reference to a benchmark and aims to minimize the risk of permanent capital loss while striving to deliver attractive long-term absolute returns. Citadel is supported by a team of experienced professionals and institutions and is subject to regulatory supervision in Luxembourg.
About us
Peace of
Investing in stocks can be a rewarding experience, even during periods of volatile markets. By adopting an investment strategy based on the principles of value and margin of safety....
Protecting your capital when investing in stocks requires knowledge about the value of the underlying companies. This intrinsic value often differs from stock prices, but is generally more stable....
Citadel Value Fund has consistently and successfully employed a deep-value investment strategy, establishing a strong track-record through numerous market cycles....

Value investing is a time-tested and robust framework for investing in stocks, offering investors peace of mind. It is based on the key principles of assessing the intrinsic value of an investment and investing only when a sufficient margin of safety exists.

For over two decades, Citadel Value Fund has excelled in deep-value investing, establishing a strong track record during many market cycles. Read more about the latest Net Asset Value, performance and risk overview.
Citadel Value Fund’s library offers a comprehensive archive of monthly newsletters and detailed shareholder letters. In the investment and regulatory documentation sections, you can find all the necessary forms and documents required to open an account with Citadel or make a follow-on investment.

Fund News
A monthly newsletter is published to keep investors informed about Citadel’s performance, interesting portfolio news, market developments, statistics on valuation and risks, as well as other background information.
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Shareholder Letters
Transparency is of great importance to us at Citadel Value Fund. Twice a year, a comprehensive shareholder letter is published, in which we explain the rationale behind our investment decisions and discuss developments in financial markets.
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Other Documents
Access all the required forms and documents to open an account with Citadel or make a follow-on investment. Please refer to the Prospectus and to the Key Information Document (KID) before making any final investment decision.
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For information on how to invest in the Citadel Value Fund, please refer to this section. Existing investors can find details on follow-up investments, while new investors can explore available options and learn about opening an account directly with Citadel.