Existing Investors
Existing investors may hold their investments in the Citadel Value Fund either directly in an account with Citadel or indirectly through a securities account with a bank or broker. In both cases, making a follow-on investment is a straightforward process. Citadel offers two transaction opportunities per month. For specific details, please refer to the NAV calendar.

First time investors
The most cost-effective option for many investors is to invest directly by opening an account with Citadel Value Fund. This will make you a registered shareholder of Citadel. The Fund is registered for marketing in the Netherlands and Luxembourg. Please note that Citadel Value Fund unfortunately cannot accept investments from United States residents.

NAV Calendar
To ensure the timely processing of your transaction at the next Net Asset Value (NAV), please note that subscription or redemption orders must be received by UI EFA, the Fund’s administrator, before 17.30h CET on a transaction deadline. To help you identify specific NAV dates and corresponding deadlines, please continue reading.